The Scotsman

Wobbly Theresa


We are sometimes invited to stick with Theresa May. But which Theresa should we stick with?

The Theresa who said that an election would be against the national interest, or the one who called one anyway because she thought it would be in the interests of the Conservati­ve Party? The Theresa who said she wanted to reduce net immigratio­n to only tens of thousands each year, or the Theresa who as Home Secretary for six years presided over net immigratio­n of hundreds of thousands each year?

The one who borrows Ukip slogans, or the one who said being in the EU made Britain more prosperous and more secure? The Theresa who therefore believed we should remain in Europe, or the one who weakly kept quiet about it during the referendum because standing up for what she thought was best for Britain’s prosperity and security might compromise her personal chances of being elected leader by anti-europe Tory party members if David Cameron fell under a bus?

The theresa who talks about law and order, or the Theresa who cut police numbers by 20,000 and opposes Labour’s plan to recruit 10,000 to plug the gap in our security? The Theresa who talks about fighting terrorism, or the one who threatened to withdraw cooperatio­n on crime and terrorism with European police forces if she didn’t get her way?

She’s not strong and stable at all, she’s just wibbly-wobbly Theresa.

M MACKENZIE Grange Loan, Edinburgh

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