The Scotsman

Sturgeon should act to protect mothers and babies over ‘midwife-led’ system


I was appalled to hear Nicola Sturgeon’s response to Willie Rennie in First Minister’s Questions on Wednesday. She has spent the last six months churning out the same misguided response regarding Caithness General Maternity: “not a political issue”, “a safety issue”, “we cannot go against medical advice”.

Let me make it plain for the First Minister – the current midwife-led system is not safe.

1) There are currently no facilities for emergency Csection in Caithness, with the fastest possible transfer to Inverness taking more than two hours. A baby in this situation could die and it will be the Scottish Government’s fault for not questionin­g “medical advice” which blatantly goes against common sense. It doesn’t take a medical degree to do the maths on this one.

2) It is abhorrent to insist that women are physically restrained for hours during their labour (ie: by a seatbelt). It is only a matter of time before the NHS and the Government are taken to court for supporting this abhorrent practice.

3) It is only a matter of time before a mother and/or baby die on the side of the A9. These are high and medium- risk mothers who are travelling for two to four hours during labour with no medical support. Their blood will be on the hands of the Scottish Government for failing to engage their common sense.

4) I agree with the NHS Highland Board – the old system was not safe. The new system is even less safe.

The NHS Highland Board has completely ignored the very real risks of travelling in labour and giving birth at the roadside without medical support. Perhaps they believe they are only legally liable for medical malpractic­e at their hospitals.

I believe NHS Highland is wholly responsibl­e if any babies die in their mother’s arms at the roadside due to lack of local medical support in the current midwife-led system.

Given the above four points, the Scottish Government’s continued lack of action is very irresponsi­ble indeed.

I have written to the First Minister encouragin­g her to take action. It is time for her to act with the full weight of the Scottish Government to ensure a safe system of maternity healthcare is provided for the people of Caithness and Sutherland. FIONA MATTHEWS Main Street Castletown Thurso, Caithness

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