The Scotsman



1. In economics, what is represente­d by the initials PSBR? 2. Of which English county is Winchester the administra­tive centre? 3. What sort of creature is a viper? 4. Which Norwegian playwright and poet wrote Peer Gynt and Hedda Gabler? 5. With which composer did Oscar Hammerstei­n II collaborat­e on the musicals Oklahoma! and The Sound of Music? 6. In which country can duck-billed platypuses be found in the wild? 7. Which common metal is purified by means of the puddling process? 8. Which dictator ruled over Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975? 9. How many gods does a monotheist believe in? 10. Which US detective novelist wrote The

Maltese Falcon and The Thin Man?

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