The Scotsman



In an article published on Saturday 10 June, we stated incorrectl­y that the Humanist Society Scotland (HSS) is the only non-religious organisati­on authorised to conduct legal marriage in Scotland. In fact, five other non-religious organisati­ons in Scotland can, and do, conduct legal marriage. The distinctio­n is that the HSS is the only non-religious organisati­on to be prescribed by the Scottish Parliament to solemnise marriage. We apologise for the error and any confusion caused. l It is the policy of The Scotsman to correct errors as soon as is practicabl­e. l All complaints should be made to Euan Mcgrory at emcgrory@ scotsman. com in the first instance. Should you wish to take the matter further after that, you can contact the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on, Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street, London. EC4M 7LG

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