The Scotsman


The Conservati­ves and DUP have signed a deal that includes £1 billion of new funding for Northern Ireland in exchange for support to prop up a minority government


Remember, this is not Conservati­ve and Unionist money, this is public money – no manifesto, no majority, just plenty of cash to buy the power they so desperatel­y crave. – Brendan Murry Just think of the influence SNP administra­tion could be enjoying just now if only they had behaved like mature politician­s over the last few years! If only Nicola had demonstrat­ed she could be trusted to act in balanced way in the best interests of Scotland, it could have been she who was achieving huge breaks for Scotland this week. – Sceptical There is going to be one heck of an argument about the Barnett formula. Government are saying that because the money is going to specific projects, there will be no equivalenc­y payments, but that isn’t how Barnett works. It appears a significan­t amount of the cash is going to the NHS in NI. Health spending has 100% equivalenc­y under Barnett. That would mean an additional £2bn to Scotland. – Philmus

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