The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye

Aries 21 Mar - 20 Apr Being involved with others only serves to boost enthusiasm and determinat­ion. Nobody could find you boring.

Taurus 21 Apr - 20 May Booking up for concerts or arranging barbecues gets the mood right. Lovers find silent and sensuous moments irresistib­le.

Gemini 21May-20jun If variety is the spice of life, your life is spicy indeed this week. It is easy to fall into enjoyable moments, both planned and spontaneou­s.

Cancer 21 Jun - 22 Jul With a strong family theme to the week, you will be getting in touch with them and your mates as well. What are you plotting?

Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug Socially, this is one of the best times of the year. At your charming best, there seems no limit to the smiles you share.

Virgo 23 Aug - 21 Sep There is so much going on at the moment that getting organised is first on your “to do” list. Busy? Yes, but even so, look after your health.

Libra 22 Sep - 22 Oct In an artistic and sensuous week you will want to share. Those who feel the need for human contact can also book in for a foot massage.

Scorpio 23 Oct - 21 Nov A sharp mind and some “get up and go”, this week keeps you busy! As you love to solve problems, look for folk to help and mysteries to intrigue.

Sagittariu­s 22Nov-21dec You hate being bored, so this week could be a time to look for those new interests. The most stimulatin­g ones are usually done alone.

Capricorn 22Dec-20jan A fun-filled week can only be achieved if you let others do the work. Fed up with always being the leader? Let someone else take the reins.

Aquarius 21 Jan - 18 Feb Always up for something new, this week proves no different. Gadgets and toys vie with some serious work to keep that all-important balance.

Pisces 19Feb-20mar A gentle week that may be at odds with most of your mates’. So what? Enjoying the softer, finer things in life can be what floats your boat. ■

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