The Scotsman

Is Mexit coming?


Asweprogre­ssfurtheri­ntothe Brave New World of the early 21st century, it has occurred to me that we are witnessing a strange and alarming vision of what the future holds for a significan­t proportion of the population of the UK.

It is increasing­ly clear that the new century has no place for men of any kind.

Find a women-only golf club? Fine. Great. No problem.

Male only? It’s a crime against humanity and the club must be penalised.

Doctor Who? Let’s have a female Doctor.

A university founded by middle-class men? Eradicate their images and names, replace with non-white men and wipe them from history.

Slavery? Conducted by white, middle-class, British men. Who cares if other white, middle-class British men outlawed it? Pretend that it is uniquely our sin, rather than our triumph.

Equal pay at Wimbledon? Of course, but fewer sets for women to play.

Clearly, if men are all bad, then they should be made illegal. QED.

However, as Mark Twain said of women, “What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce.” The same goes for men. It is time for a rethink. ANDREW HN GRAY Craiglea Drive

Edinburgh In view of the trend to gender non-conformity and the potential to simply change gender at will on one’s birth certificat­e perhaps I should encourage any grandsons who are fair tennis players or golf players to take advantage of the trends: “Change sexual registrati­on and thus compete as a ‘woman’ – perhaps even becoming a Ladies Champion at Wimbledon!”

I will, of course, be alerting them to also consider switching to get the best rate of pay for a particular job as pay catches up and opportunit­ies increase to get gender balance. JAMES WATSON Randolph Crescent Dunbar, East Lothian

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