The Scotsman

In two minds


in Scottish schools. The position can only get worse as to learn a foreign language pupils have to have a good grasp of the grammar and syntax of their own language and the standard of English teaching in schools is demonstrab­ly poor and deteriorat­ing. Schools will have to look to recruit English teachers from countries where English is taught as a foreign language, covering proper grammar and syntax, if the situation is to be reversed. for “Britain” we should read “England”, given that the British state did not exist until the parliament­ary union between England and Scotland of 1707. Sir Humphrey’s wording reminds Scots of their place. Lesley Riddoch (Perspectiv­e, 31 July) contradict­s herself in her article, “Scotland faces a moment of choice”, when she accuses those elsewhere in the UK, who have “an irrational fear of being run by foreigners” i.e. who then want out of the EU. She contradict­s herself by supporting a party, the SNP, that also has an irrational fear of being run by foreigners, in their view, i.e. by being run by the English, from London. She can’t have it both ways! WILLIAM BALLANTINE

Dean Road Bo’ness, West Lothian

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