The Scotsman

Gaelic guide for learners


Abairtean Gàidhlig

Today’s Gaelic phrases will equip you to get by in a café or bar. There are Gaelic cafés and pubs in Glasgow and Edinburgh and you can try out your phrases in some places in the highlands and islands.

Bu toil leam cupa cofaidh ‘I would like a cup of coffee’

Bu toil leam poit tì ‘I would like a pot of tea’

Tha mi ag iarraidh pinnt leanna ‘I want a pint of beer’

Dè seòrsa cèic a th’ agaibh? ‘What kind of cake do you have?’

Dè brot an latha an-diugh? ‘What’s the soup of the day?’

Am bu toil leat aran? ‘Would you like (some) bread?’

Am faigh mi tè bheag? ‘May I have a dram?’

A bheil leann ionadail agaibh? ‘Do you have a local beer?’

Dè a’ phrìs a tha sin? ‘How much is that?’

A bheil cnothan a-staigh seo? ‘Does this contain nuts?’

Chan eil seo a’ còrdadh rium ‘I don’t like this’

Bu toil leam pàigheadh ‘I would like to pay’ Mòran taing ‘thank you’ Bha sin air leth math ‘That was outstandin­g’

Some other items you might want to ask for are glainne fìona ‘a glass of wine’, cèic teoclaid ‘chocolate cake’, cèic currain ‘carrot cake’, clàr-bìdh ‘menu’ and uisge ‘water’. lsabhal Mòr Ostaig offers Gaelic learning on site and by distance

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