The Scotsman

Scots are there


If Lesley Riddoch (Perspectiv­e, 14 August) took off her blinkers and looked further than the Tweed, she would see that Scots have been players on the world stage for hundreds of years. We continue to be so, in commerce, engineerin­g, science, diplomacy,

humanitari­an aid, the arts and many other fields.

As a minnow with an exaggerate­d sense of our own importance, Scotland’s contributi­on to world affairs would be no greater, and probably much less, as an independen­t nation.

Nor is Brexit English-shaped. We may not like the decisions taken, but inside and outside Parliament Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish can be found at every level of decision-making – or lack of it – that Brexit entails. Ms Riddoch should be more careful when blaming the English for things she does not like. MARTIN FOREMAN Craigend Park


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