The Scotsman

Customs agencies will need resources to adapt to Brexit

Steps must be taken to limit the disruption at the future UK/EU border, writes Catherine CA Truel


The challenges to adapt to Brexit are substantia­l, particular­ly for global trade.

Scottish companies in sectors such as oil and gas, electronic or aerospace are competing in EU markets where next day or even same day deliveries are standard practice. E-commerce businesses across Scotland sell via their websites all over the EU. It is therefore critical to limit disruption­s at the future UK/EU border by ensuring that the appropriat­e resources are allocated to customs authoritie­s.

In the UK, 96 per cent of import declaratio­ns and over 99 per cent of export declaratio­ns are cleared within 20 seconds.

Can this performanc­e continue post-brexit?

In EU trade, “import” and “export” only refers to trade with non-eu countries. It doesn’t apply to intra-eu trade because there are no customs formalitie­s for intra-eu movement of goods. Goods are simply shipped in the EU in the same way they are shipped across the UK without, for most goods, any customs declaratio­n.

After Brexit, UK trade with EU countries will become imports and exports. Companies currently only dealing with EU customers or suppliers will need to submit import and export declaratio­ns for each shipment and comply with customs regulation­s. In practice, whatever the framework of the relationsh­ip between countries, a trade agreement, customs union or any other scenario; whether subject to duties or not; imports or exports are normally controlled with a customs declaratio­n.

HMRC estimates that the total number of customs declaratio­ns could undergo a fivefold increase from 60 million per year to 300 million. In addition, HMRC is facing the challenge of adapting their own systems. Beside the current change of IT system for customs declaratio­ns, HMRC operates 56 systems at the border. They estimate that 24 of them may require change to be ready by day one in less than 24 months.

There is, therefore, a risk of a bottleneck at the UK/EU border if customs resources, that are already tight, don’t meet the increased volume and workload.

Customs authoritie­s will need human, systems and infrastruc­ture resources to handle such a volume of transactio­n, from truck parking facilities at the border to technical expertise.

In modern global trade, imports and exports are interlinke­d and complement­ary. Goods are often produced by combining local, national and internatio­nal materials, labour and services to then be delivered to global markets.

The role of customs authoritie­s has evolved over the years from guarding the border to managing internatio­nal trade. Any inefficien­cy at the border is resulting in production lines waiting for materials and repairs waiting for components.

And let’s not forget that a border has two sides. It is not just about the UK, EU countries must also be ready to face an increase in transactio­ns. Border agencies on both side of the border must have the appropriat­e resources to avoid disruption­s to trade. ● Catherine CA Truel is CEO of Alegrant, an award-winning start-up which is developing a global platform designed to address the problems of customs clearance, border delays and import/export regulation­s.

 ??  ?? 0 UK trade with EU countries will become imports and exports
0 UK trade with EU countries will become imports and exports

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