The Scotsman

Jacob’s ladder


Tory MP Jacob Rees-mogg was not , in my view, unsympathe­tic to the victims of rape and abortion as the current “debate” would suggest. He took a very clear stand that in terms of “personal faith” he stood behind the longheld teaching of the Catholic

Church that the life of a foetus was sacrosanct: this was his personal view. At the same time, he was quite clear that he did not wish to judge individual­s and indeed would not, and in any case the law of the land on the subject of abortion had spoken and was very unlikely to be changed: he stood by that ashispolit­ical judgement.

I’m afraid much of the modern media seems to be only interested in eye-catching headlines, and fuelling conflict without regard for individual­s who are at best hurt, and at worst treated like a tennis ball to be battered from side to side, with their actions judged without considerat­ion of their circumstan­ce.

Gone, I’m afraid is the oldfashion­ed art of respectful debate, swamped by the instantane­ous soundbites of social media and reporters, their eye on a quick headline.


Randolph Crescent Dunbar. East Lothian

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