The Scotsman

Drink awareness


The recent article by Alison Douglas, (“Are you hitting the booze in a way that causes health and family problems?” (The Scotsman, 27 October) repeated some extremely serious allegation­s about the informatio­n that Drinkaware provides on the links between alcohol and cancer derived from a highly selective and partisan academic report, which we entirely reject.

Our informatio­n about alcohol and cancer has been approved in its entirety by Drinkaware’s independen­t medical advisory panel made up of senior medical and clinical profession­als.

The overwhelmi­ng medical consensus is that there are many risk factors involved with cancer including alcohol and our informatio­n and advice reflects this. Our informatio­n also leaves people in no doubt as to the links that do exist between alcohol and cancer.

Cancer affects millions of people worldwide and, in our view, a failure to discuss all of its contributo­ry risk factors would be grossly irresponsi­ble. That’s why the charity has consistent­ly stressed the link between alcohol and breast cancer and works to increase public awareness of the issue.

ELAINE HINDAL Drinkaware chief executive,

London Wall, London

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