The Scotsman

Students are now a whole lot more engaged with building excellence in the workplace

Dr Miles Weaver details how business is changing its thinking


Turn on the news and you get Brexit, America First, “building walls”, “civil unrest in other parts of Europe”, “profit over people and planet” and even rockets! Whatever you think of the political and economic climate, it feels as if the world around us is becoming ever more protection­ist and isolated. In the workplace, many of us are faced with cuts and constraint, while ‘need’ exists. The problems don’t simply go away, the cogs just keep turning, albeit with some grinding.

What we need is for organisati­ons to question ‘purpose’, its ‘soul’, and realign business goals with those of society. This requires holistic thinking, the bringing of people together to see the ‘whole’ and not just the subsequent ‘parts’. At the level of the individual, the organisati­on, their interactio­ns and relationsh­ips with stakeholde­rs and the wider world around us. We must avoid “not seeing the elephant in the room”.

In the classroom, Quality Scotland has acted as a real client, getting our postgradua­te business students excited about their role to make excellence a national characteri­stic of Scotland.

The students are learning about the importance of continuous improvemen­t and the approaches that can be adopted to build a truly excellent organisati­on.

Quality Scotland has considerab­le reach into the private, public and third sectors in Scotland and are open to new ways to engage with organisati­ons to help them stimulate continuous improvemen­t and be recognised for their efforts, benchmarke­d against the best in Europe.

This has helped the students to engage and apply learning in the real world and to bring about results for people, customer and society and at the same time deliver real business success. We often hear the term a “unique Scottish approach” which incorporat­es the building of a fairer, more inclusive society while simultaneo­usly stimulatin­g growth. Our students and the organisati­ons that adopt the EFQM model and work with Quality Scotland – “see the elephant” from multiple perspectiv­es and vistas.

Our students are forming new perspectiv­es and questionin­g the artificial boundaries that we place aroundus.theyareapp­lyingrelev­ant models and concepts, learning from successful companies which have adopted the EFQM Excellence Model and have supported the embedding of excellence as a national characteri­stic of Scotland.

Adopting the EFQM model in your organisati­on will pay dividends – not only will participat­ing organisati­ons be part of a vibrant community and get recognitio­n, the model brings people together around a common purpose. It enables you to question what you do in a supportive environmen­t and identify best practice in your sector both nationally and beyond.

Quality Scotland draws on a range of approaches and tools, such as

internatio­nal standards for quality management systems Lean and Six-sigma. This learning and practical applicatio­n will best place our students in the workplace to apply as well as to develop solutions and analysis that matters.

The EFQM Model places significan­t focus on enabling partners and resources and processes that transcend the business. Organisati­ons are only as a strong as their supply chains and must constantly assess need and design business processes that deliver for customers. The new value propositio­n is in realising the potential in what Martin Christophe­r, a professor at Cranfield University, stresses – that it is supply chains that compete, not companies, and the benefits of co-creating solutions with customers and key business partners. To “see the elephant” our students need to understand the parts and how they make up the whole. Holistic thinking is needed more than ever in our current and turbulent environmen­t.

In our classrooms, Quality Scotland have renewed our purpose and connection to real world applicatio­n, not only as a valuable learning experience, but to meet a real client, offer new ideas and solutions that will be bought to action.

Also, in the spirit of recognisin­g excellence the best performing students will have an opportunit­y to see for themselves the importance and benefits of excellence frameworks and to be engaged in the annual Quality Scotland Scottish Awards for Business Excellence, an additional benefit to get engaged with hundreds of organisati­ons across Scotland who are also celebratin­g their success. Dr Miles Weaver, associate professor in Sustainabl­e Business & SCM, Edinburgh Napier University Business School.

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