The Scotsman

Hunting humans


Martin Foreman wrongly

humans who hunt animals for sport with species which predate other organisms in order to survive (Letters, 15 December).

There’s no comparison, so to suggest otherwise is disingenuo­us. Only humans have the capacity to make moral decisions about how they conduct their lives, including what they choose to eat unless that capacity for choice is removed by circumstan­ces beyond their control, as in war situations, or during famine.

It’s pretty obvious that those who care about the ethical treatment of animals don’t expect a fox to wrestle with its conscience before pouncing on an unsuspecti­ng rabbit, or condemn a lioness with cubs to feed for predating other animals.

Prince Harry belongs to a wealthy elite who have been hunting animals for ‘sport’ for generation­s. Wealth and power make a formidable combinatio­n and for those who possess both, hunting

for pleasure is the ultimate expression of that privilege.


Wellbank, Broughty Ferry,


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