The Scotsman

Long diversion


The government think that by focusing on the environmen­t, attention can be turned away from the crisis of the NHS and the Brexit disaster. The truth is that with low growth and the need to save money for Brexit contingenc­ies there is little spare money for the health service. Other advanced economies are now growing at 2-3 per cent.

With low growth predicted for a decade, we can’t expect their luxuries, or increases in public spending. And if we feel compelled to accept a trade deal with the USA, Trump’s anti-conservati­on attitudes will detract from Michael Gove’s ambitious environmen­tal aims. US farmers overuse antibiotic­s, chlorinati­on and pesticides. We will have to sign up to U.S. regulation­s, forcing our farmers to copy US farmers to compete. The government is trying to flag a great environmen­t sense of vision, to cover up for the general picture, in which they showed little vision.


Corbiehill Place, Edinburgh

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