The Scotsman

Blaming English for Scotland’s ills is a gross distortion of historical facts


Richard Walthew’s letter (13 February) is a classic of its kind. Totally biased against the United Kingdom and/or England and blaming the British establishm­ent for all the ills which (as he sees it) have befallen Scotland. He is a man with a desperate ignorance of history, but a willingnes­s to believe hostile propaganda.

The idea that anything insig- nificant like world economic forces, or the actions of Scots themselves could be to blame is not even considered.

Having blamed (but not named) the English and, or Westminste­r, or the Tories, perhaps, for brutal suppressio­n of the Scots, ignoring the devastatio­n visited upon England by Parliament’s armies (and Scotland’s), he then blames the Clearances on the same people and not the Lowland Scots, who were in very large measure responsibl­e.

Despite shipbuildi­ng vanishing in the likes of Tyneside, steel at Consett and industry in the West Midlands, plus England’s huge coal industry etc being wiped out, it’s all England’s fault. It only happened to Scotland and they hate us, seems to be his message. His historical­ly illiterate ravings typify the ignorance which is spread by extremist Nationalis­ts amongst their unread fellows, perpetuati­ng attitudes of misplaced hatred for non-existent sins.

Even his “few aristocrat­s” who signed the Act of Union in 1707 are slated. Just to be balanced, will he also slate Wallace, Bruce and Moray, the Scots aristocrat­s who fought the English in the Wars of Independen­ce? Bruce did pretty well out of that. Do let’s be even-handed.

ANDREW HN GRAY Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh I can only assume that the rant by Richard Walthew is the result, to borrow from Jane Austen, of either too much of Mr Weston’s good wine or is simply a wind-up. Just about everything mentioned is a gross distortion of the truth and certainly not worthy of any detailed response, if indeed eliciting such was the aim of his contributi­on. (DR) A MCCORMICK

Kirkland Road Terregles, Dumfries

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