The Scotsman

Executive stressed


The only problem with Lesley Riddoch’s article (Perspectiv­e, 12 March) is one of history. Despite the grandstand­ing of Alex Salmond in 2007, when the Scottish Executive became the Scottish Government, it has never been any such thing.

Holyrood has executive powers over many areas, but an Executive is what it remains. Theresa May is absolutely correct, morally and constituti­onally, to freeze returning EU powers until a Uk-wide agreement can be reached across the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish executives.

To use a phrase much-loved by Alex Salmond: “Facts are chiels that winna ding”, his elevation of Holyrood to the status of an independen­t government is a falsehood. Read in that light, Lesley Riddoch’s article is just so much hot air.

DONALD THOMSON Salisbury Terrace, Aberdeen

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