The Scotsman

Remainer issues


Your columnist Joyce Mcmillan, as a fervent Remainer, makes assumption­s evidently based on her essential notion of a United States of Europe, together with, as she sees it, vital financial advantages to us of our rather undemocrat­ically achieved EU membership (Perspectiv­e, 23 March).

She seems to see no justice or sense in the Leavers’ case, dependent on the result of the 2014 referendum, which she derides as “botched”.

Our arguments, on the Leavers’ side, depend mainly on the advantages of regaining our nation’s sovereignt­y and the opportunit­y, partly lost in the EU, to “hire and fire” our politician­s, whose policies must reflect the electoral majority’s preference­s.

Regaining control of our laws, borders and finances on leaving the EU would correct its anti-democratic control over us.

We have not heard any justificat­ion for the proposed “parting gift” to the EU of some £39 billion, nor just what can explain a policy of a period of transition in leaving.

A “hard Brexit” is spoken of by many as a dire threat. Why should that be?

Joyce Mcmillan’s rather narrow attitude to these EU issues illustrate­s that there is “no fury like that of a Remainer scorned,” rather than fair balance. (DR) CHARLES WARDROP Viewlands Road West, Perth

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