The Scotsman

Dictionary cash


Millions of desperate people fleeing to Zeebrugge.

nigelfoste­r This is very sad. I would rather money spent on this than baby boxes, to be honest. I’d always heard it was a successful passenger route, I never understood why that closed. to wind them right up. Kind of makes their ‘Proud Scot in the UK’ rhetoric seem a bit too contrived to me.

Thewindtha­tshakesthe­barley How does this funding decision square with the story of record use of food bank packages in Scotland in 2017? It doesn’t, except that a Gaelic dictionary fits into the SNP’S dream while the food banks are just about poor folk who don’t form part of the dream. Vote them out.

Sane Alex Scots Gaelic has never been our language. It was/is the language of the people in a limited area of what is now Scotland. Edinburgh Council are mostly cycling enthusiast­s and have been for years. They have a vision of changing the city into a car-free zone for their own interests; 20 mile an hour zones, dedicated cycle lanes, pedestrian zones etc, are all designed to push the motorist out of the city.

richard bordin And the SNP have put up tax too. When will they stop?

Russelland­myra Parsons So where does the money go? It is certainly not invested in our roads, the nation’s roads are rapidly deteriorat­ing and one day they will realise that we don’t have a road to drive on.

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