The Scotsman

Funny Cow (15)


Movies about comedy are rarely funny but Funny Cow takes the sad clown cliché to such a grim extreme it becomes almost laughable. Starring the excellent Maxine Peake’s as an aspiring British stand-up in the sexist, racist, homophobic environs of the Northern working men’s clubs of the 1970s and early 1980s, the film around her is such a wilfully incoherent mess it renders her performanc­e all but dead on arrival. She plays the eponymous Funny Cow (no other character name is given), a battered wife who has apparently found success by transformi­ng the trauma of her life into a stage act that mixes the sort of politicall­y incorrect gags of the era with uncomforta­ble confession­als about her childhood, her marriage and her surroundin­gs. By using a more elliptical structure, the film strives to give some sense of the chaos of its protagonis­t’s life, but that’s not the same thing as making it compelling on screen. In the end it feels like a hollow and rather pointless exercise.

 ??  ?? Maxine Peake as the eponymous Funny Cow
Maxine Peake as the eponymous Funny Cow

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