The Scotsman

Brexit ‘ Exodus’


The Rev Jack K el let makes some good points about the EU which are worthy of comment ( Letters, 27 April). He compare sB rex it to Exodus, which for a churchman is an interestin­g choice.

He mentions, as we know from our Sunday schools, that the Israelites were led from enslavemen­t in Egypt to the Promised Land, flowing with milk and honey. He compares this with the UK leaving the EU, which he calls “a Land of Promise”. Indeed? But is it a land of delivery?

It may well be that the Israelites ended up with their own kingdom after es cap in gP haroah’ sar my, but history tells that they did not have much luck after that, if one thinks of the diaspora and their treatment at the hands of various peoples in the millennia that followed.

The Israelites, as I recall, spent 40 years wandering in the desert after fleeing Egypt. We will only have a short period of 21 months before we are free and we return to being a sovereign nation once more.

The added twist is that it was Nato which spared our sons from “the traditiona­l wars in Europe” which the poor old UK has had to sort out time and time again. It was not the EU, as the Mr K el let states, despite their propaganda convincing some whose knowledge of recent history is less than perfect. We will remain with Europe’s protecting alli- ance afterwards, con ti nuing to guard against outside aggression.

Yes. Unlike the Israelites, the UK will still be protecting our ungrateful European friends after we leave the EU.

ANDREW HN GRAY Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh The biggest mistakes in our recent history were entering the 20th century’s two “world” wars, follies into which we were misled by that cl assic Tory renegade Winston Churchill. In the 21 st century his snake oil successors sold us Brexit.

I see they’ re now promoting Switzerlan­d as a model for post- Brexit Britain. Exactly how its borderless state of dependency represents a suitable destiny for an“independen­t” UK is not immediatel­y clear, but I suppose it may limit the damage.

In the 2016 referendum we were offered a deceptivel­y binary choice. When the grisly details of the Brexit deal are known we should be allowed one last chance to reject this lunacy before such unparliame­ntary devices are banned for good. ( REV DR) JOHN CAMERON

Howard Place, St Andrews

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