The Scotsman

Brexit brawl


APD should be scrapped altogether.

richard bordin While it’s no doubt a disappoint­ment for the owners of Glasgow Airport to lose the Ryanair flights, air travel is growing (even at Glasgow with their drop-off and pick-up tax). There are quite enough flights in and out of Glasgow Airport as is.

Andrew B Dickson Glasgow Airport needs to look at itself. Now £3 to drop someone off. There’s a charge that should be illegal.

Eddie Vancoupon This could be a good opportunit­y for Glasgow and Edinburgh for cities that are similar distances apart, say Vienna and Bratislava, Salzburg and Munich, Venice and Verona, as it gives the passenger some flexibilit­y in choice of flights.

Eldee Most UK airports charge, incl EDI, Glasgow is one of the cheapest. You can park for free away from the terminal building Brexit minister Michael Russell is trying to play a game of poker with Westminste­r while Westminste­r knows exactly what cards he’s got. And to think he thinks he’s holding the aces.

World wide football fan The SNP has not the slightest intention of reaching an agreement. As the saying goes in the SNP, there is no point in letting a good grudge, grievance and opportunit­y for a “constituti­onal crisis” go to waste.

A tartan blight If they were offered a deal where every Scots person got their own castle and private helicopter it would be rejected.

Bob Roberts The SNP are after one thing, an excuse to call a second referendum. The UK should

The Immortal Duke Good news that the real government from Westminist­er are drawing a line under this silly nonsense

Not a lemming Scotland has the bestperfor­ming NHS in the UK. Scotland has the best-staffed NHS in the UK. The mostdoctor­s

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