The Scotsman

Fears over impact on rare wildcats from tree felling

● Activists claim ‘national scandal’ is unfolding in forest


0 Activists claim felling is causing considerab­le disturbanc­e to wildcats which can cause females to abandon or even eat their kittens threatenin­g its entire wildcat population, which is said to be among the most important in the world because some of the species are so rare.

Activists claim the work is causing considerab­le disturbanc­e to the wildcats which can cause females to abandon or even eat their kittens.

However, Forestry Commission Scotland insists its management of Clashindar­roch has been scrutinise­d by independen­t wildlife experts and meets “internatio­nal standards of best practice.”

The campaign group has raised concerts about the impactoffe­llingincla­shindarroc­h just weeks after releasing footage it claims shows that one of the world’s biggest wildcats is living in the forest.

Wildcat Haven campaigner Kev Bell said: “This is the last viable population of Scottish wildcats left anywhere, and Forestry Commission Scotland, whilst publicly claiming to be protecting them, are actively chopping down their home around them. It’s a national scandal – we’re at risk of losing our iconic wildcat to these thoughtles­s actions.”

Another activist, Steve Sleigh, said: “Clashindar­roch must be protected from further commercial exploitati­on immediatel­y and without compromise, it’s too important. This place needs to be left alone.”

A spokesman for Forestry Commission Scotland said: “All our felling and replanting plans and operations are independen­tly certified to internatio­nal standards of best practice and ensure a balanced structure is maintained.

“The management of commercial forests creates a very good environmen­t for wildcats with more edge habitats that they use to move around, and clear fell and restock sites that are rich with voles and ideal for foraging. “We welcome Wildcat Haven’s continued interest in our forest management and for giving us the opportunit­y to promote and explain the integrated and vital work being done through Scottish Wildcat Action to save Scotland’s wildcats.”

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