The Scotsman

Outdated Kirk


In The Scotsman article of 22 May “Church sell-offs loom to ensure future of the Kirk”, you report that the General Assembly rejected by a significan­t majority the strategic plan submitted by the council of assembly on the grounds it was insufficie­ntly radical.

The Church has a history of tackling challenges in totally unimaginat­ive ways, failing to recognise when the real problems are of a spiritual nature.

There are two major issues. I recall the words of Bishop Michael Curry who, in his St George’s Chapel sermon, proclaimed that “Jesus began the most revolution­ary movement in human history.”

The Church does its best to care for those at the edges of society but is it enough? It is not particular­ly known for joining Jesus in speaking forcibly against the powers and principali­ties which cause so much global suffering, and as for the unholy coupling of greed, growth and overconsum­ption – I ask you, where would Jesus have us stand? Where do we stand?

I would, however, go even further and suggest that the core problem with the Church is that it is incapable of moving beyond an outdated world view. It may come as someience thing of a surprise to many that the good news of Jesus is more than capable of taking on board what 21st century science is telling us about the origins and ongoing evolutiona­ry developmen­t of the cosmos. But that is another story.

JOHN MILNE Ardgowan Drive, Uddingston

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