The Scotsman

Buried treasure?


staff despite a growing number of youngsters who need such help.

Jim Quinn That is up them I suppose but nobody else cares. Most people are just trying to get by as best they can and all this lot can do is obsess about a report commission­ed by their own party which, let’s face it, probably doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. The leadership can’t allow open and honest debate to take place in public because someone might challenge them and that just wouldn’t do.

Paul Hudson Mcgowan There will be a schedule and itinerary. Pretty sure it will be there. It’s been made public. It’s not hidden away and I’m pretty sure being discussed at length. You’d honestly think there was no other news whatsoever in Scotland!

Gill Coowils Of course they should! But won’t as the delegates wouldn’t understand it. Much better to kid on that indy is round the corner. That way the delegates will leave happy.

Amy Skea No kidding – indy is just round the corner!

Kev Neilson The release of an Snpcommiss­ioned, major twoyear piece of work to examine the impact of independen­ce must have come as quite a surprise to Sturgeon, then?

Disc Less This is becoming more ridiculous by the day , do they stand by the Growth Commission report ?Or kick it into the long grass and hope that nobody ever mentions it again ?

CGM 63 The collective noun for a group of clowns is a conference.

Scunnered If this report was met with excitement it would have been the in thing being discussed this weekend in Aberdeen. Yet the report has been rubbished by all sides.

Mike Lowery

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