The Scotsman

Time for the videogame industry to find its voice on addiction

The WHO’S classifica­tion of gaming addiction as a condition demands a more mature debate, writes Martyn Mclaughlin


For decades, the perception of gaming as not just a solitary pursuit, but a ruinously compulsive one, has been perpetuate­d by the medium’s critics. Now, they can back up their argument with a formidable source.

The World Health Organisati­on (WHO) has listed gaming addiction as a mental health condition, the first time it has ever been classified as such.

In its 11th Internatio­nal Classifica­tion of Diseases (ICD 11) – an exhaustive guide utilised by doctors and researcher­s to diagnose various conditions – the WHO describes the malady as “gaming disorder”.

Its definition of the addiction is a pattern of persistent gaming behaviour so severe that it takes precedence over other life interests.

Symptoms to look out for, the WHO advises, include impaired control over the frequency, intensity, and duration of gaming sessions, the increased priority an individual gives to gaming, and the continuati­on or escalation of gaming, despite negative consequenc­es.

The profile of the WHO and the weight attached to its scientific rigour will no doubt reignite debate surroundin­g gaming’s addictive qualities. It has, after all, never been far from the surface since the home computing explosion of the 1980s, and not without good reason.

There are players out there who have, and who will, succumb to their hobby. The long narrative documentin­g gaming’s addictive qualities contains several grim stories, such as the 2010 case in South Korea, where a couple starved their three-month-old daughter death, while devoting hours to playing a game which tasked them with raising a virtual character of a young girl. Yet addiction, while being problemati­c, is also a pull. Even today, magazines such as Retro Gamer continue to assess a title’s “addicitivi­ty” alongside its graphics, sound, and presentati­on when recommendi­ng whether its readers should purchase it.

There is an anomaly here which has been poorly served by the breathless arguments surroundin­g video game addiction. The advent of online multiplaye­r networks, and competitiv­e games such as the massively popular Fortnite, with their built-in reward systems, actively encourages players to take part in lengthy sessions.

For the vast majority of people, this is great fun. There is instant gratificat­ion derived from playing titles such as Fortnite and Call of Duty, and though their carefully sculpted “compulsion loop” may be hidden in plain sight, they are examples of thoughtful but underappre­ciated game design.

Yet the people and companies who make these titles rarely articulate such processes, explain why they are important to their business model, or consider the responsibi­lity they have to their customers. Instead, they are too often guilty of prickly, defensive reactions to any perceived slight or criticism, even if, in the case of the WHO classifica­tion, it is an issue which invited a mature discussion.

This is counter-productive on the part of an industry which rails against stigmas, but is reluctant to counter well-founded criticism with its own reasoned arguments.

A good start would be to look at how the WHO has arrived at its decision, which it says was guided by a review of all available evidence, with the views reflecting a “consensus of experts from

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