The Scotsman

Indyref 2 much?


Brian Monteith said Nicola Sturgeon will instigate another divisive vote, for good or ill, all to keep her party in government.

No poll anywhere, anytime, by anyone, suggests a majority in favour of independen­ce, or an independen­ce referendum before 2021. Why, therefore, is such a possibilit­y even worthy of discussion or debate?

Arch Stainton Simply the SNP clutching at (non-plastic) straws. They need put back in their (baby) box.

Bertyfish Nicola will suffer serious humiliatio­n at the hands of the Scottish electorate should indyref2 happen.that seems a fair price to me. The No voters get to remain Scottish and British, and Sturgeon resigns in ignominy. I could live with that.

Old Clothes and Porridge

The SNP will form the next Scottish Government after the 2021 Scottish Parliament election because there are no other credible Scottish political parties in Scotland in whom the Scottish people trust except for the Scottish Greens.

Rocabarrai­gh Sturgeon is the problem, not the solution and if Scotland wants independen­ce she will need to resign along with some of her socialist radicals in the party. You cannot win independen­ce with revolution­aries at the helm, it will never happen.

Mediaonevo­ice There is not a cat’s chance in hell Westminste­r will agree to and formally recognise another neverendum as per the previous Edinburgh Agreement. Brexit will result in Westminste­r never wanting to come near another neverendum again.

Red Kola Had the Scottish Government shown themselves to be competent in all areas of devolved responsibi­lities, they could probably have won over a majority of voters to the concept of independen­ce by stealth, even amongst people who were more inclined towards unionism. However, the opposite has proved the case and they are now starting to self destruct. As such, I do not believe Nicola Sturgeon has the backbone to go ahead with Indyref2 as defeat would result in a huge loss of personal income for her and her colleagues.

Brian J It appears that they are at least as competent as Tories and Labour in the

areas where they have responsibi­lities.

John Brownlie The real question is, if we have another indy reference, and support for it is about 40% as the polls are predicting, meaning 60% of voters do not want it, will the SNP respect the result, or push for another one in a generation.

Gavin Beattie

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