The Scotsman

‘I think it’s a bit controvers­ial playing with DNA’


Vikki Brown ,40, from Edinburgh was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis three years ago.

She welcomed the work of the Scottish Genome Partnershi­p and said it would be beneficial in advancing the understand­ing of those with rare diseases.

She said: “I do think that it’s a bit controvers­ial playing with DNA but if it can mean that people don’t have to deal with certain diseases then it’s a good thing.

“With cystic fibrosis you have a one in four chance of both your parents carrying the gene, so they know now that I’ve got CF and therefore my son will be a carrier.

“So, it means if he wants to have children I think in theory he could have his parents tested to see if they were a carrier as well and they could have children knowing the risks. Hopefully, these developmen­ts will lead to people being a bit more informed about the choices they can make.”

 ??  ?? 0 Vicki Brown says was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis
0 Vicki Brown says was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis

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