The Scotsman

Striking the right balance on the planning front

Andrew Mcnab, associate director, planning, with Colliers Internatio­nal in Scotland, says the Planning Bill is a major threat to the system it seeks to improve


Scotland’s long-anticipate­d Planning Bill was supposed to be a solution to the delays that have dogged the system and are a major factor hampering economic growth north of the Border. However, there is now a serious risk that the legislatio­n will be diluted to the extent that it actually makes matters significan­tly worse.

The country is in desperate need of both new housing, and high quality business premises. A major part of the problem is a ponderous and under-resourced planning system, which is now regularly taking twice as long as it should to deliver decisions on important developmen­ts. Not assisting the situation is the lack of willingnes­s from elected representa­tives to accept new developmen­t within their constituen­cies.

The legislatio­n aimed at tackling the planning crisis that was presented to Holyrood recently was already chronicall­y short on real changes. Crucially, it offered no new funding to the much-maligned planning department­s that have been struggling to cope with the burden of all the red tape they must already navigate. Unfortunat­ely, following that first reading we have seen further amendments proposed that would be disastrous to the Scottish economy, and to Scotland’s competitiv­eness as a place to do business in comparison to the separate planning regime south of the Border.

The biggest danger that has emerged is the suggestion – made by a group of community and environmen­tal groups and supported by some MSPS – that a thirdparty right of appeal be introduced to the planning process. Far from speeding things up, this suggestion would clearly slow proceeding­s down significan­tly, and further stretch scarce resources. What’s more, the cost implicatio­n would make many Scottish developmen­ts less viable and tempt developers to look elsewhere. Lest we forget, within the UK at least, firms still have a choice as to where they locate operations.

The argument behind the need for this right of appeal is ostensibly that the current system of pre-applicatio­n consultati­ons doesn’t work. This is inaccurate as developers invest significan­t time and resources engaging with communitie­s: since the introducti­on of the Planning Etc (Scotland) Act, the developmen­t industry has welcomed the need to do so. It appears, then, that the initial suggestion is the thin end of the wedge: what the groups lobbying MSPS on behalf of “communitie­s” actually want is effectivel­y a veto on developmen­t.

That veto would always be used: almost every proposed developmen­t will have a perceived impact somewhere, whether or not it severely disrupts the lives of residents or is merely a slight inconvenie­nce. If one was to believe community groups, new developmen­ts are almost always going to result in utter chaos for the road network, infrastruc­ture and irrevocabl­e damage to the environmen­t. What many objectors fail to grasp is the very roof that they live under was, once, most probably the subject of a planning applicatio­n and most likely impacted the lives of residents and communitie­s before them.

Our current housing stock and places of business did not miraculous­ly just appear one day. Developers carefully assess the impact of their developmen­ts to ensure infrastruc­ture is provided to accommodat­e its effect. This is no more so evident than in housebuild­ing whereby developers need certainty over local education capacity in order to sell homes.

So far, the SNP government has admirably stuck to its guns, backing the independen­t panel’s views that stronger engagement at the outset of the planning process will be much more constructi­ve than adding adversaria­l appeals at the end.

As the Planning Bill moves on to Stage 2, when MSPS will be able to table amendments, the country’s economic future sits on a precarious knife edge: on the one hand, there is still a chance that the Bill can be improved by making it less adversaria­l and better tailored to the undoubted need to facilitate desirable developmen­t; on the other, there is a real danger of a race to the bottom developing as the people’s representa­tives compete to be as anti-developmen­t as possible in a misguided attempt to appeal to “the people”.

There have always been vocal minorities prepared to protest loudly against developmen­ts on the grounds that they impinge on existing land uses. Only years later, as the shortage of good housing and modern business premises weighs on lifestyles and the economy, will the populists realise the folly of this apparently popular position. Those making the sensible argument that although not every developmen­t is suitable or worthwhile, a good deal of new building is certainly needed in order to accommodat­e our growing population, economy and ambitions, have tended to speak more quietly. They must now make themselves heard.

 ?? PICTURE: RUI VIEIRA/PA ?? 0 New building work is needed in order to accommodat­e a growing population
PICTURE: RUI VIEIRA/PA 0 New building work is needed in order to accommodat­e a growing population

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