The Scotsman





7. She appears from America, but not in the morning (5) 8. Where a swindler might keep his nest-egg? (7) 9. Bays satisfied people may rest on (7) 10. Call for heads' other side (5) 12. A small fear turns out to be a needless alert (5,5) 15. Another political force as a sort of insurance? (5,5) 18. Material found in many London shops (5) 19. Shout when the last wicket falls at 100 (4,3) 21. Baffle because not to be added? (7) 22. Like American uncle in India (5)


1. Famous general gets the boot (10) 2. Stiff ribbed fabric causes ill feeling (5) 3. The boy in the book (4) 4. Puts confidence in syndicates (6) 5. Agreement to make a reduction? (8) 6. Claimed complicate­d pointed fraction (7) 11. When one is most likely to see an adder? (6,4) 13. Try eland out eagerly (8) 14. Disposed to consent to making bequests?(7) 16. Lay the blame on copper in bent case (6) 17. In the greatest degree one is damp (5) 20. Incline to be the opposite of fat (4)

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