The Scotsman

Davidson missed point regarding justificat­ion for second referendum on Brexit


Ruth Davidson is quoted as saying that a push for a second referendum on Brexit is opening the door for a second independen­ce referendum on the principle “you don’t demand a rerun just because you didn’t get what you wanted”.

I think she misses the point. The independen­ce referendum was very clear in its proposal, whereas the Brexit referendum appears with hindsight to have been based upon a pack of mistruths. Con- sequently, a rerun based upon what is now known could be a very good idea; mind you, possibly the same could go for independen­ce, which I believe would now have a resounding No vote based upon the recent performanc­e of the Scottish Government.

DAVID GERRARD Spylaw Park, Edinburgh

When asked if she could defeat the SNP, Ruth Davidson recently replied ‘’Damn right I can.’’ That is the kind of conviction and honesty that has been missing in Scotland for many years.

An honest, uncompromi­sing Scottish politician has seemed almost an oxymoron recently. She actually tells the truth. While not sharing all of her beliefs and instinctiv­ely wary of Tory values, I find her a breath of fresh air and honesty, long lacking in this country, and possibly also in the rest of the UK. No pandering to minority or vested interests to sneak a vote; no giant ego; she says it as she sees it.

The offices of First Minister and Prime Minister are well within her grasp.

ALEXANDER MCKAY New Cut Rigg, Edinburgh

UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt compared the EU to the prison of the Soviet Union as it tries to prevent a member state from leaving. But the EU did not try to prevent the UK from holding a Brexit referendum, whereas Ruth Davidson has said Scotland will not be permitted to hold another independen­ce referendum until at least 2027 under a Conservati­ve government. Labour is no better, as Richard Leonard has also pledged to ignore a democratic decision of the Scottish Parliament.

This is seriously dangerous territory into which the Tories and Labour have strayed. To arbitraril­y deny a legally mandated referendum in Scotland risks the breakdown of democracy itself as sovereignt­y in Scotland lies with the people.

Ruth Davidson was flounderin­g when asked on STV to name anything positive about Brexit for Scotland and could only mention fishermen coming out of the Common Fisheries Policy, the terms of which were negotiated by successive Westminste­r government­s.

MARY THOMAS Watson Crescent, Edinburgh

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