The Scotsman

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Lesley Riddoch in her weekly anti-british diatribe continues in typical SNP supporting fashion to knock and criticise any and every aspect of anything and everyone to do with our UK governing party (Perspectiv­e, 17 August).

Rather than continue the monotonous blame-game, it really is time that she and her friends who are out to destroy the United Kingdom spend some time providing the case for Scotland becoming independen­t. We know, based on Nicola Sturgeon’s astonishin­g statement in September 2016, that independen­ce is more important than every other aspect of Scottish life; supporters are inflicted with the same immature and emotional

belief with most totally incapable of arguing a plausible case for separation – we want our ‘freedom’ is the main argument I see – there is only a cry for independen­ce, no substance behind it.

Independen­ce first is not

good enough for the majority of Scots, so Ms Riddoch, rather than your usual negative moan and groan, how about your realistic, credible, positive economic case for Scotland being cast adrift, especially as SNP MPS and MSPS simservati­ves

ply fail to address this. It is not good enough for you to state that Scotland will just borrow, we need answers to currency, central bank, tax implicatio­ns, proposed entry to the EU and Euro implicatio­ns, effects on business, effects on public services, etc and how this will affect an independen­t Scotland for decades. In addition to chatting to Andrew Wilson and the outcome of his 2014 prospectus, you will, of course, have to liaise with those in the party with Marxist-leaning conviction­s.

DOUGLAS COWE Alexander Avenue Kingseat, Newmachar


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