The Scotsman

Yes and No


A new poll shows nine point lead for independen­ce. The Panelbase poll for Business in Scotland shows Yes winning a referendum in an exact reversal of the 2014 referendum if undecideds are excluded.

The longer Unionists deny us a referendum the more support we get. The Union was not meant to be the corrupt dictatorsh­ip which it has turned into and the people of Scotland have woken up. Why have a slice of the cake when you can have the whole thing?

Andrew Mcbean

Oh thank goodness more of us are now seeing the light! Well done all you wonderful, clever people who have changed from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’. There is light at the end of this very very long tunnel.

Caroline Campbell

You are not getting another vote. Sorry to say that you will be in the tunnel for a very long time. Mind the train doesn’t run you all down.

Robert Fairbairn

We’re on the right side of the road now. Onward to selfdeterm­ination like every other nation.

Martin Kerr

An unsurprisi­ng turnaround given factors around Brexit and the perception of how Covid’s been handled. The point is that a largely static and equal group support each position, with a relatively low fluid percentage that would sway any potential referendum, much like all the referenda we’ve had lately.

Phil Allwright

You need to remember the starting point for the yes campaign was in the 20 per cent region last time.

Andrew Pete

There isn’t a plan on the table to encourage independen­ce that isn’t based on fabricatio­n. Pure factual evidence could well sway a vote toward it. The fact is, six years on I’ve still yet to see one.

Paul Roach

Ever felt like you are being manipulate­d a year ahead of the Scottish Election. Devolution has turn the UK into a pollsters’ dream, a cash cow of different elections

Ken De Soyza

Never met a single ‘No’ voter who is now ‘Yes’. Met a few ‘Ye’ voters who are now ‘No’ though. Must have been a Glasgow poll.

Christine Heeps

You obviously don’t get out much then.

Mo Dalzeil I am an ex ‘No’ voter and now couldn’t be more ‘Yes’, along with most of my family. The end of this pathetic union is almost upon us.

Lee Hamilton

Sturgeon won’t have a referendum because to do so she’d have to lay out how it would be affordable. There’s no doubt Scotland could be independen­t but we’d have to cut our cloth accordingl­y. How many would still vote ‘Yes’ if they were told they’d be £2k a year worse off for more than a decade and possibly forever? Would you?

Wayne Morris

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