The Scotsman

Cool down


Richard Dixon claims that the world’s temperatur­e will rise by between 1.5 and 4 degrees centigrade due to anthropo - genic CO2 in the atmosphere (Perspectiv­e ,25 August ). There are many controvers­ies with this argument, among them being the role of the oceans. The layman knows liquids are much better regulators of temperatur­e than air, indeed, car engines are normally cooled by liquids.

On a timescale of seasons, the top 70 metres of ocean is well-mixed and this layer has a heat capacity that is 30 times greater than that of the atmosphere. The oceans to all depths regulate the earth’s temperatur­e on a longer timescale, and this global ocean heat capacity is a massive 1000 times that of the atmosphere.

The late Prof. William Gray, an expert in tropical storms and atmospheri­c science, wrote on the subject of alarmist climate modelers “They lack an understand­ing and treatment of the fundamenta­l role of the deep ocean circulatio­n.”

GEOFF MOORE Alness, Highland

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