The Scotsman



In our review of one of the National Theatre of Scotland’s Scenes for Survival, 68 Months In Waiting, in Saturday’s Scotsman Magazine, we incorrectl­y described the character played by Afton Moran as a “young trans woman”, rather than as a young non-binary person. We would like to apologise the cast and crew of 68 Months In Waiting for the error, and for any distress it has caused. The error has now been corrected in the online version of the review, which is available at theatre-and-stage/theatre-reviews-scenessurv­ival-we-all-need-company-sometimesc­oolidge-effect-2962275.”

● It is the policy of The Scotsman to correct errors as soon as is practicabl­e.

● All complaints concerning The Scotsman should be made to Euan Mcgrory at in the first instance. Should you wish to take the matter further you can contact the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on, Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street,london, EC4M 7LG .

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