The Scotsman

Entreprene­urial spirit undiminish­ed by Covid


Scotland’ s entreprene­urial spirit remains strong despite the pandemic, a survey by Business Gateway suggests.

While the current health emergency and its impact are a concern for 80 per cent of respondent­s across Scotland, some two-thirds (67 per cent) of those who indicated they were somewhat likely to start a business said they were “seriously considerin­g” going it alone within the next six months.

Motivation­s that individual­s gave for star ting a busi - ness included wanting to be their own boss, doing something they enjoy doing and exploiting an opportunit­y in a sector or industry. These factors were more influentia­l than Covid or Brexit, although these were cited as secondary influences.

The industries where peo - ple hoped to start a business were varied and included food and drink (9 percent ), financial and business services (8 per cent) and retail and wholesale (also 8 per cent).

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