The Scotsman

Man jailed over racial train assault


A man has been sentenced for a serious assault on a Glasgow train after hitting a passenger who tried to stop him racially abusing a woman.

S c o t t R a m s e y, 3 1 , p l e a d - ed guilt y to assault to severe i n j u r y a n d p e r m a n e n t i m p a i r m e n t . H e w a s s e n - t e n c e d t o t h r e e y e a r s a n d eight months imprisonme­nt and has received a 12-month super vision order. The court h e a r d h o w R a m s e y m a d e racially offensive remarks to a 29-year-old woman on a train at Partick.

The racist remarks continued until another passenger, a 50-year-old man, intervened and told him to stop.

R amsey struck at the man in a punching moment with a bottle he had been drinking from. The b ottle connected with the man’s mouth and jaw causing him to stumble.

R amsey then tried to leave the carriage and the pair grappled before ending up on the train platform, where members of the public separated them.

The 50 -year- old passenger sustained significan­t dental damage.

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