The Scotsman

BBC to keep showing briefings


BB C S cotland has vowed to keep providing live coverage of the Scottish Gove r n m e n t ’s c o r o n a v i r u s briefings over the coming weeks.

It comes after the broadc a s t e r a n n o u n c e d t e l e - vised briefings from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon would be reduced, sparking criticism.

The BB C had said they would continue to stream l ive b r ie f i ng s o nl i ne b ut would only show them live on TV based on their “news value.”

B u t a n e w B B C S c o t - land statement, shared on social media, said: “With the pandemic still a major cause for public concern, we will, over the coming weeks and as we have done this week, look to cover the S cotgov health briefings live on TV”.

M s S t u r g e o n s a i d t h e briefings would b e vital, especially for older people who don’t routinely use the internet.

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