The Scottish Mail on Sunday

From investment guru to champion for older staff


BARONESS Altmann began her career as an academic at University College London, the London School of Economics and at Harvard University.

She was later head of internatio­nal equities at Chase Manhattan’s internatio­nal investment operation in London and a director of Rothschild Asset Management.

Altmann worked as a consultant to the Treasury on the Myners Review of Institutio­nal Investment and she advised Number 10.

She has long been an independen­t, straightta­lking pensions guru willing to stand up for those without a voice.

Altmann was director general of over-50s specialist Saga Group from 2010 to 2013 before the Government appointed her as its Business Champion for Older Workers in 2014.

She was Minister of State for Pensions from 2015 to 2016.

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