The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Britons ‘want abortion time limit reduced to 20 weeks’


AN OVERWHELMI­NG majority of Britons want to make it harder for women to get abortions, a shock new poll will reveal tomorrow.

Almost two-thirds of people interviewe­d for the ComRes survey said the upper limit should be lowered from the current 24 weeks to 20 weeks – with a fifth saying it should be reduced to 12 weeks.

And despite mounting pressure from pro-abortion campaigner­s for the ‘decriminal­isation’ of abortion, which would effectivel­y scrap the 24-week limit altogether, only one per cent of those polled backed the idea.

At present, an abortion can be carried out after 24 weeks only if the foetus is severely disabled or the mother’s life is in danger.

The survey of more than 2,000 people was commission­ed by the pro-life group Where Do They Stand?

It found the proportion of women wanting to lower the time limit to 20 weeks or below – at 70 per cent – was higher than among men.

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