The Simple Things



Lovage is a perennial herb, and this means that it dies down in winter but only to its roots, leaping back into life with new, fresh growth each spring. It will grow in a pot for a short time but is best planted out in the long term. Leave the dead stems throughout winter and insects will make use of them for overwinter­ing, then cut back in spring. Start from seed in spring or summer: sow seed thinly across a seed tray or shallow pot and water well. Thin out and pot on into individual pots, to plant out the following spring.

 ??  ?? Once establishe­d, your lovage will self-seed and you may find its pretty umbels popping up around your garden. Time to share seedlings with your friends…
Once establishe­d, your lovage will self-seed and you may find its pretty umbels popping up around your garden. Time to share seedlings with your friends…
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