The Simple Things



Seek immediate medical attention if individual doesn’t regain consciousn­ess within five minutes, has a health condition or is elderly. While waiting, place into recovery position, periodical­ly checking breathing and heart rate. AT-HOME FIRST AID Raise feet 20–30cm. Turn head to one side and position lower than the heart. Loosen tight clothes. Apply cold, moist towels to neck and face. Sprinkle drops of lavender, peppermint or rosemary essential oil on a clean cloth and hold under the nose (or use an onion). PREVENTION If someone feels faint, have them lie down or sit with head between their knees. Pinch the skin between lips and nose using a slightly upward pressure. If heat-related, rub an ice cube on their wrists. Lay them in a cool place and give fluids. Adapted from The Natural First Aid Handbook by Brigitte Mars (Storey Publishing)

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