The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Has my family met in spirit?


Dear June

IT is now almost four years since my husband died and I long for some sign that he is still around me.

I also lost my eight-yearold daughter nearly 30 years ago.

My mum passed recently and I feel I should have done more for her before her passing.

I wonder if they have all met up.

Elizabeth, Larkhall.

June Says

Almost everyone feels they should have done more, visited more, been more patient, spent more time, and so on, after the loss of a loved one.

We do not have a date and time for a passing, but if we did, we would put off all the time in the world to be with them.

Unfortunat­ely, the reality of life is we cannot take unlimited time off work.

We live in a material world and need to pay the bills in order to survive, so we carry on as best we can when a loved one is ill and try to give them as much time as life allows.

Your mum, daughter and husband will all be together with other family members who passed over before them.

They will undoubtedl­y be at peace and will have been greeted by family members they once had to say goodbye to.

One day you too will have to say goodbye to those you love on this side of life.

When that happens you will be greeted by the smiles of those who are waiting for you on the other side.

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