The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Headteache­rs raise results data concerns


HEADTEACHE­RS are set to raise concerns that test and exam results can be manipulate­d by politician­s to suit their own agenda.

There must be no possibilit­y that government­s and public bodies can influence grade boundaries to support their own policies, the National Associatio­n of Head Teachers is expected to warn.

Delegates at the union’s annual conference are due to debate a motion calling on its executive to “expose and discredit the statistica­l and politicall­y-motivated manipulati­on of test and grade boundaries” and highlight the “harmful and unjust implicatio­ns” this can have of students and teachers.

Proposer Graham Frost said: “We want to remove any possibilit­y of government agencies manipulati­ng school performanc­e data.”

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