The Sunday Telegraph

Politician­s just don’t get it: the change in employment is the big story of our age

People clearly want work freedoms, not ‘rights’ – yet the Government has catastroph­ically failed to move with the times

- JANET DALEY more like

Amajority of people working in the new “gig” economy – that infamously unregulate­d conspiracy for exploiting the unemployed and desperate – are engaged in it by choice, and are more likely to be satisfied with the income that they receive than other kinds of workers. And furthermor­e, according to last week’s report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Developmen­t, they are as likely to agree as to disagree (36 per cent to 35 per cent) that “the gig economy should not be regulated and companies should compete to offer workers fair pay and benefits, even if it means less income and job security for people”. Imagine that. There is a considerab­le tranche of the population that wilfully chooses freedom.

Of course, if offered the siren inducement­s that Big Government and Big Unions are inclined to dangle – like, say, paid holiday time and employment protection “rights” – they wouldn’t say no. Who would look a gift horse in the mouth? So asked the leading question of whether they think their employers might be trying to have their cake and eat it by offering work to people who must still remain officially self-employed, they tend to agree. But the salient point is that they don’t seem to mind all that much: the employers may have advantages but so do they. What they appear to want is pretty much what their employers want: flexibilit­y, the possibilit­y of instantly adapting to new circumstan­ces, choice in their life arrangemen­ts and escape from the overweenin­g control of bureaucrac­ies of all kinds.

This is the new social and economic reality, which almost no establishe­d political party has begun to address. It is the monumental shift in work patterns – and social expectatio­ns – which has followed on from the great post-industrial apocalypse. So far, politician­s have responded to this phenomenon either by telling systematic lies – the Donald Trump message (“we can restore your traditiona­l industrial jobs”), or the Geert Wilders-Marine Le Pen message (“foreigners are taking away your traditiona­l industrial jobs”), or by making pointless attempts to force the new labour market into the hidebound regimen of the old one. Hence, the Treasury’s determinat­ion to drum as many self-employed people out of business or, at least, into more administra­tively neat, minutely monitored, heavily circumscri­bed categories, as possible.

Under the guise of protecting them from abuse and insecurity, the Government wants to enfold them in that deadly embrace of regulation and “rights” that helped to kill off the old traditiona­l forms of employment.

The Chancellor clearly believed, in his tragic ignorance, that holding out the hope of matching some of the benefits of regular employment, such as paid parental leave, to the selfemploy­ed he would reconcile them to a rise in their National Insurance contributi­ons. It is a measure of how wildly out of touch political leaders are with the reality of working life that he actually thought that this would work. In truth, the real scandal of that calamitous Budget move was not that it broke a manifesto pledge that should never have been made, but that it went in precisely the opposite direction from which forward-thinking fiscal planning should be going.

Instead of embracing the trend toward self-employment (of which on other occasions and in other contexts, the Conservati­ves speak so approvingl­y), and what it represents in terms of Britain’s vigour and vitality, Philip Hammond seemed determined to bring it into line with the old taxation patterns. The self-employed were to be made employed people, rather than having their unique role, with all its innovative­ness and attendant risks, celebrated and valued.

Faced with a new picture of a growing class of independen­t earners who did not conform to the existing tax-paying formulae, the government would hit them with raised taxes and then smother them in growth depressing benefit structures as compensati­on. Surely, they must think, this is what everybody wants: security and free money from the state (under specific conditions) in return for paying a bit more tax.

That, after all, has been the political received wisdom for a generation. But real people, it turns out, are braver and more adaptable – more open to change and new opportunit­ies – than government­s, which will cling to their outdated assumption­s even as they are being destroyed by them. Enveloping all that self-employed casual work – as it used to be known – which constitute­s the “gig” economy, in the full panoply of rights, regulation­s and statutory benefits would immediatel­y set it in the same legalistic concrete which has destroyed employment in the older sectors of the economy.

I have always hugely admired the elegant simplicity of the economist Art Laffer’s rule about benefit dependency: if you pay people to be poor, you will get more and more poor people.

So here is a matching one for workplace benefits: the more expensive you make it to employ people, the fewer people will be employed. If businesses escape paying the employers’ National Insurance contributi­on – which is, in effect, a payroll tax – by not actually employing their workforce, they can afford to expand and thus offer more actual work to more actual people, thus bringing about more actual economic growth. Is that clear enough – even for the Treasury?

But the Conservati­ves, having barely survived one head-on crash with the new economy, still seem undaunted. They apparently believe that the only thing wrong with their decision to make the self-employed pay both the employer’s and the employee’s contributi­ons to National Insurance (presumably on the principle that they are their own employer), was that it breached an earlier election commitment.

Could everybody please wake up and smell the vitality that is bursting through in spite of all the limitation­s and restraints that government is attempting to place on it? There is a monumental social and economic revolution taking place which requires proper understand­ing and leadership. The terrifying rise of populism, nationalis­m and resentment of outsiders is only a superficia­l reaction to a much larger historic change which has been enabled by the new technologi­es and which individual innovators are uniquely placed to lead. The decline of traditiona­l employment, not just in the old, factory-based industries but in all the attendant businesses that served them, is the biggest story of our time. The governing parties have no vision of what this will mean for the structure of taxation or the role of government. The populist opposition simply makes use of the confusion to promote inchoate rage.

A source of optimism is that individual­s, with their indomitabl­e ingenuity and resourcefu­lness, are coming up with answers: they are innovating and inventing and creating in the limitless ways that human intelligen­ce can muster – and they are finding their way through. At least until government­s find ways to suppress and discourage them. The European Union has been the all-time champion at devising barriers to economic flexibilit­y and vitality, with the predictabl­e consequenc­e that youth unemployme­nt in many member countries is now at its highest levels in living memory.

The huge opportunit­y offered by Brexit is to allow our national government to escape from that mindset and to re-think the basic questions of employment, taxation and the role of government in the workplace in the 21st century.

Unfortunat­ely, the Tories are doggedly insisting on remaining in the second half of the 20th, and Labour is locked into the 19th.

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