The Sunday Telegraph


‘We must not allow men like Max Mosley to do Putin’s work for him by weakening our own free media any more’


me that the UK has fallen 12 places in the last five years in the World Press Freedom Index to 40th out of 180 nations.

Some of the recent laws put in place post-Leveson which curtailed freedom were understand­able; laws to toughen punishment for illegal acts – such as contempt, bribery and data breaches – are all punishable by jail. After a rocky start, the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on is working to maintain standards.

But we must not allow men like Max Mosley to do Putin’s work for him by weakening our own free media any more. The best response to the atrocious acts in Salisbury is to pursue the same British traditions we have always upheld: to allow a free media to pursue truth and uncover the facts.

Ruth Davidson is the leader of the Conservati­ves in Scotland

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