Today's Golfer (UK)



Guan Tianlang made the cut at the Masters, aged just 14 in 2013. He was 1,086th in the world back then, but ended 2016 1,858th. Many say he aimed too high, too soon, and that a minimum age should be imposed on Majors. What do you think?

Mark Heaton If someone can get a good handicap, does age matter?

Jack Layton If they are good enough, they are old enough.

Tim Andrew If they enjoy it and are good enough, let them play. They can learn a ton from the right environmen­t.

Matt Kench We can’t bemoan the lack of young people taking up the game and then say, “Sorry, not yet” when some of them do and prove pretty good at it.

Josh Lockwood Never. If they can do it, let them do it!

Matt Sinclair It should rest with the parents. They should know if their child is strong enough mentally.

David Pattern It’s a classic case of a kid burning out. They should be at least 16 for a Major.

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