Today's Golfer (UK)

Basic instinct

Base your set-up on the task, not dogma


Fault: Poor results through obeying set-up ‘rules’ Fix: Use feel, not logic, to address the ball

When it comes to how to address the ball, golf technique proffers all kinds of rules involving ball position, posture and alignment. While most of them are not ‘wrong’ as such, they promote a onedimensi­onal approach to a game that is constantly setting different challenges. For your best chance of success, you need to adapt your address position to the task you’ve been set; and to do that, you need to tune in a little more to what that task is – and what kind of strike it demands. Take a more flexible, feel-based approach to your set-up and you’ll instinctiv­ely find the most effective position. Here’s the concept at work, through the bag.

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