Today's Golfer (UK)



1 Nail the basics

Getting the basic set-up right is fundamenta­l to giving yourself the best chance of hitting good shots. I play with a lot of amateurs who seem tense, which can really restrict how far they swing. I probably grip the club tighter than most, but I make sure I soften my elbows and let my hands hang naturally underneath my chest. If you feel like you’re reaching for the ball you’re probably standing too far from it, which can cause separation between the body and arms and throw the swing off-plane.

2 Turn from your shoulders

The worst thing you can do in the takeaway is to let your hands manipulate the face by rolling your wrists. If you do that and either close or open the face, somewhere down the line you are going to have to compensate to get the swing back on plane. Instead, try to get the arms, hands and upper body working together by rotating your shoulders.

3 Unleash the spring

During the backswing I try to feel like I’m coiling up into my right side and ‘pushing’ pressure into my legs so I can maximise the power. I liken it to a spring. You need to load it up to be able to unload it. And the more stable you are as you do this, the better chance you have of doing that.

4 Use what you have

The most important thing is to get the maximum out of your range of movement. If you’re not getting the club to a 90° angle in the backswing, there is no point trying to force it. Of course, you can do more stretches, or gym work to improve your flexibilit­y. But even if you are at 100%, loaded and ready to go, you need to start down by getting the right shoulder and right hip working down at the same time. If your timing is off, you will really struggle to save the shot.

5 Unlock hidden power

A lot of amateurs don’t make use of their bigger muscle groups to transfer energy effectivel­y. You need to use the power in the legs during the downswing and let the natural forces take over for a proper release. Amateurs seem to be reluctant to do that and finish with a hold off position. The clubhead needs to fully accelerate and reach its peak speed at the point of impact.

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